Farnsworth D-15 Colour Vision Test and Correction

What is Color Blindness, or Color Vision Deficiency?

Color Vision Assessment

How is Color Blindness, or Color Vision Deficiency diagnosed?

Ishihara test. The most common test for diagnosing color vision deficiency. This quick and simple test consists of a series of pictures made up of colored dots.

The Farnsworth D15 test (D15). This is used worldwide to select applicants for employment in occupations which require good colour vision. Subject is asked to arrange a group of colored chips in a particular order.

Color Vision Treatment

How are Color Blindness, or Color Vision Deficiency be treated?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for color blindness.

Contact lenses for color deficiency

Some patient with color vision defiviency can be enhance slightly by specialized contact lenses. Contact lenses for color deficiency benefit adults and students in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reducing academic challenges associated with color deficiency
  • Improving the quality of sports and other recreational activities
  • Enhancing the enjoyment of the arts, media and environment as a whole